Our mission
Our mission is to work with you to find out WHY you experience certain symptoms: where aspects come from and which systems have gone wrong. The body does not make mistakes but looks for a solution strategy that can keep you alive as well as possible. However, the best possible is not our goal, we strive for optimal health.
My name is Hayo Venema, founder of Valeo Life and my goal is to give you back control over your own health. Studies in natural medicine, orthomolecular therapy, functional training, functional testing, breathwork, energy medicine, DNA, intestinal microbiome and clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (kPNI) give us a broad and holistic basis. For us, holistic means: looking at the whole of your person and your life, knowing that all systems are interconnected.
Based on that knowledge, we can get started together. From an equal height, we are your partner in health, and not an authority in a white coat. According to our proven method, we guide you throughout the entire journey, towards your desired result. Interesting, motivating, safe and at the same time challenging, and of course effective.