Does your stomach often feel uncomfortable? Bloated? Does your digestive system react violently to certain foods? Have you been suffering from gastrointestinal problems for years and can’t seem to get them under control?
With Valeo Life, you can finally find the gut relief you need.
Gastrointestinal disorders are not something to tolerate and ignore. Despite what you may have been told (“just learn to live with it”), gastrointestinal problems are treatable. And often, the answers are simpler than you think.
Gastro-intestinal Health
A healthy digestive system, including your gut, is key to overall health. If it goes wrong, your gut can cause problems throughout your body (such as headaches, immune problems, sleep disorders, depression, and much more). It is a complex ecosystem in which your microbiome, immune system, and nervous system play key roles.
You can think of your gut as a tube that separates the outside world from your inside world. It plays a crucial role in regulating the balance between health and disease by controlling the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste, but also by modulating the immune system and influencing brain function via the gut-brain axis.
Scientists recognized 100 years ago that bacteria in the gut are constantly communicating with neurons in the brain. This is how the name “gut brain” or second brain came about. The gut has a nervous system that contains more nerve cells than the entire spinal cord. The well-known gut feeling is an intuition that is activated by the second brain
What is a healthy gut anyway? There is more to it than meets the eye. Leading scientists have defined five criteria that define ‘gut health’:
- No intestinal diseases
- Effective digestion and absorption of food
- A normal and stable intestinal flora
- A strong immune system
- General well-being (energy, mood, sleep, etc.)
How do you recognize a healthy gut?
There are a number of signs that point to a healthy gut:
- One to three bowel movements per day
- Well-formed stools
- Flat, non-bloated stomach
- Little flatulence
- No complaints after eating certain foods
- Absence of the symptoms mentioned further on this page
Even then, you don’t know whether your intestinal flora is healthy, because your intestines may be a breeding ground for unwanted ‘creatures’ (such as LPS-forming bacteria) that disrupt your systems without you realizing it. Then you may not feel sick yet, but the process towards that has already started. An intestinal flora study gives you insight into this.
How common are gastrointestinal problems?
The Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study showed that worldwide more than 40 percent of all people suffer from a condition caused by interactions between the intestines and the brain, such as chronic stomach complaints (dyspepsia), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or chronic constipation. These conditions cause a significant reduction in quality of life and an increase in the number of doctor consultations. These complaints often do not receive the necessary attention from people and are often not resolved causally. It is important to create more awareness because they can be the precursors to more serious chronic conditions.
We help people with the following conditions:
- Leaky gut
- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Candida and other yeast infections
- Parasites & other infections (H.Pylori)
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS; Crohn’s, Colitis)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Stomach complaints (Acid reflux, Gastritis, Nausea, etc.)
- Other intestinal complaints (Constipation/Diarrhea, Dyspepsia/Indigestion)
And we help people with overall optimization of oral, stomach and intestinal health.