Remote Health Monitoring
Valeo Life uses simple and powerful software and hardware to track personal health information. We build a personalized central dashboard for you to track all your important data, such as your lab results, HRV, sleep score, blood pressure, blood glucose, weight, VO2max, macronutrient intake, etc.
Our Remote Client Health Monitoring program uses equipment and technology that you use at home to securely send information about your health to our dashboard. This is also called remote patient monitoring (RPM). During the program, a routine check is made on vital functions and signs and symptoms. You will also receive regular information on matters that are important at that time. We work with you as a partner in health to help you achieve your health goals.
You will already be familiar with many of the devices we use for this, such as: digital scales, pulse oximeters, blood glucose meters, continuous glucose meters, blood pressure monitors, thermometers, food trackers and wearables that can measure your sleep, HRV and activity, for example.
It is ideal for both people with chronic conditions and people who want to work on their health preventively (and so-called biohackers).
There are many symptoms and conditions that can be monitored via remote health monitoring, including:
- Weight loss or gain
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Heart conditions
- Bowel problems
- Deficient sleep
- Deficient breathing
- Cancer
Benefits of Remote Health Monitoring
- You receive the best quality of care – We monitor and optimize your health in real time, which allows us to quickly gain insight into the effectiveness of interventions and make the right adjustments in time. We offer 24/7 support. Greater
- Greater involvement – With RPM technology, you can play a crucial role in managing and understanding your own health status because you receive daily information and feedback about your actions and see what the impact is on your biomarkers such as HRV.
- Responsibility – By seeing the effect of interventions in real time, you gain understanding, awareness and extra motivation to take responsibility for your health. And when you lose your balance, we can intervene together in time and get you back on track. It gives both parties more control over your health.
- Certainty – Daily monitoring can give you the peace of mind that any problems are identified in time and addressed effectively. It increases therapy compliance.
- Ease of use – We only use technology with a high level of ease of use and hardware that automatically synchronizes with the cloud.
- No hassle with travel – It puts an end to travel time and travel costs to the health practice.