Discover the Power of Rife Frequency Therapy
“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” – Albert Einstein
At Valeo Life, we are committed to researching and using the most effective integrative treatments for cancer and other diseases. One groundbreaking technology that we are effectively using comes from Rife frequency machines.
Today’s frequency devices are built on the principles of Royal Rife, a talented microbiologist and brilliant scientist (1888-1971). In the early 1900s, he invented the “Universal Microscope”, a microscope that could magnify up to 60,000 times. This allowed him to see viruses and bacteria while they were still alive and moving.
He discovered that microorganisms (pathogens) can be destroyed using frequencies. Under his microscope, he could see the moving microbes die.
Since 1920, the Rife machines had had astonishing successes and in 1931, 44 top doctors celebrated “The End of All Disease”. Unfortunately, this did not fit the business model of other corporations who preferred to “manage disease” in order to be highly profitable. His laboratory was raided, his equipment destroyed, and his reputation tarnished.
Even today, people are struggling to develop the specific microscopes that Dr. Rife designed. Current electron microscopes have long since surpassed the 60,000 magnification that Dr. Rife achieved, but they kill the subject in the process. Not very useful when you are trying to observe living subjects.
Fortunately, Dr. Rife’s legacy lives on through the continued use and development of Rife machines, and in recent years there has been a renewed interest and very effective new devices have been developed.
Nicola Tesla said that if you want to understand the universe, you have to think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.
Everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency, which is called a resonant frequency.
The theory behind resonant frequencies can be understood using the analogy of an opera singer who can break a crystal glass with her voice. The glass naturally vibrates at a certain frequency and when the singer sings a continuous note at that frequency, the glass breaks.
In the same way, each microorganism (fungi, bacteria, viruses, parasites, amoebas, molds, etc.) has a unique and specific frequency (or Mortal Oscillatory Rate). When you send more of the same frequency to the microorganism, it causes structural stress and the pathogen is eliminated, it dies. Rife machines generate resonant waves that destroy harmful pathogens without harming normal body cells.
We use Rife frequencies not only to kill pathogens, but also to stimulate your body to do things about a disorder or dysfunction, and to restore your body’s function. That’s the whole purpose.
Rife frequencies work in a “sympathetic resonance” where two similar objects, one vibrating, will also vibrate the other, even if they are not touching. In this way, Rife frequencies have the ability to match the vibration of healthy organs and tissues in the body to stimulate the repair and rebuilding of the human body. Dr. Rife discovered that healthy organs and cells in the body have specific frequencies and that matching the frequency actually wakes up dormant or unhealthy cells in a person to function properly. This brings rejuvenation and repair to cells that need healing.
And that is the key to success with Rife technology; finding the exact matching frequencies (and in the right order) for your situation.
Cancer is a group of diseases that are related to the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Research has shown that viruses, bacteria and parasites contribute to cancer. Killing these bad organisms can help the body’s natural healing process.
We do NOT claim that Rife frequencies can cure cancer; it is not a magic wand. We do believe in science and what we see in practice. By using frequencies we can selectively kill organisms that may have contributed to the cancer. And with specific frequencies, certain body systems, such as the immune system, can be supported.